Do your actions show what kind of person you are? Its doesn't, for example, say its the first day of school and i'm really tired because i'm not used to the schedule. So i'm lazy in class today, but usually i'm not.The teacher is going to see me this way and think, "Oh gosh, another lazy student."
You attitude determines on your altitude. Its your vibe really.However you set yourself up that day, weather is happy, sad, mad whatever, its going to rub off on whoever your with. Its how you carry yourself. Or you can be an influence to others. Say you have a little brother or sister that looks up to you. Now say your older brother calls you a name, so you of course get mad and say something back your little brother is going to observe you and your actions and copy. Like when you, your mom and little brother are going to the store then someone cuts her off, and she starts yelling out the window and a word accidentally slips out. Next thing you know your little brother is in the back seat repeating that word over and over. You see your vibe, your words, your actions rub off on others.
Study shows that positive attitude is healthy and you will live longer. As this link above states, "They found that people who maintained a positive attitude were significantly less likely to show signs of aging, they were less likely to become frail and were more likely to be stronger and healthier than those that had a negative attitude." So technically negative energy make you weaker, and age faster. Like I was saying before, this article agrees with me, "Before you say a word, your attitudes can infect the people who see you with the same behavior. Somehow just by looking or feeling, you can be infected by another person's attitude, and vice versa. When you are operating from inside a really useful attitude, such as enthusiasm, curiosity, and humility, your body language tends to take care of itself and sends out unmistakable signals of openness."
Now there are ways to improve on your attitude. Some people listen to Cd's or read books and magazines, some even see a therapist.There are also other ways.Like if you have enough self-control, you can control yourself on what your doing and think twice. This is a good way to also handle it, "Approach the problem with the expectant attitude that there is an innovative practical solution just waiting to be found. Be relaxed, confident and clear in your mind."Here is a great quote that may motivate you."There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. This little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative."-Clement W. Stone
Therefore your actions do depend on what kind of person you are. And your actions may make you healthy or not. This is why you should thank god for a day he did not promise to you and take this privilege to make a good first impression, or a great day.