Thursday, April 18, 2013

Lets Fix This Gap!

There is a big gap between the rich and poor. Here is a article that I got to read about the rich and poor. It gives both sides of the rich and the poor . It also has quotes from people, some were rich and some were poor or  came from low-income family's. In the article I think most of were right in their own way.

 Like Shillman he said he earned his houses. He also said he knows many businessmen and they were not handed things. Then  he talks about some homeless people. One tells there story about how they became homeless. Its really sad when someone has there life is good and then something happens and they lose almost everything.

There was more but the one that talks and explains more is Mohamed, she came from a low-income family and her mom worked 2 jobs to support her 6 children because her dad was deported. She is going ton college because of student loans. She says "that there people looking down and people looking up and there's tons of barriers." She is right people are looking in different directions. Also Krantz said that she wants her kids to set there stars and grab it.

Many people might have different opinions on the gap between the rich and the poor. I think it happens because many people didn't have a chance to see a better way of life nor was there any one to show them the difference between a good life of working and what it can bring them. So to many that is a good life  so I do believe it can be changed but first there has to be some type of schooling that needs to be offered in our society, and maybe in all schools so that as children  we can learn about what a good life can mean. It's our job as a society to fix this gap, lets make a better world.


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Rich and poor

                                                 photo  credit

So as many of you know there is a huge gap between the rich and the poor.I recently read and article about it and I totally agree agree with the man Bob Shillman.This man said if your are poor then why do you have a phone because if you really were poor then you wouldn't have anything at all.I mean just because you don't have what others have you don't have to classify yourselves as poor.Leave it to the people who are really poor. The kind of people who are poor are the ones who are out on the streets begging for anything people can offer to them.

I think this happens because people let themselves believe there poor. If you see someone that has something  then you don't you think the must have more because of what they have. Just because they have more things than anyone it doesn't make them better than everyone.Not everyone has to be the same as everyone because then we wouldn't have problems and without problems the world would be probably boring.

I don't this gap between the rich and the poor can be fixed because to many think there better than others. so unless people change which can happen there will always be a gap between the rich and poor.

It wouldn't hurt, Richies. I:I

Where I live, sometimes I see hobos and homeless people walk around with backpacks, or roll around with baskets, or just sit somewhere giving people the puppy-eyed look and begging for a piece of food. And hey have no jobs either. I don't know alot or maybe any rich people, but rich people probably have TONS of jobs and so much money that most richies just throw it out and buy  expensive things they don't really want. AND, most richies are jerkfaces and don't even think about anyone but themselves and think that they have money that could last them their whole life. This is sad. Having a HUMONGUS gap between the rich and the poor.
                Economy is bad and budget cuts are filling the atmosphere. People getting released and fired from their jobs, not enough money to pay the bills, more homeless people, and the richies becoming homeless due to careless spending and misuse of money. Ans neither richies, or companies will not help. I strongly disagree with this whole thing. Yeah there can be richies, but check this: you guys are not helping anyone with jobs, nor homeless people. We, citizens need to help, or else we will see things like in the early 60's-80's. Richies, it would't hurt if you can donate some money to hungry kids, homeless families, and taking a stand to make more jobs wanted and bulit. That money can't stay with you FOREVER. Help bridge the gap between you and the poor cause you are nothing different with your cribs and fancy-shmancy '50' inch flat screen tv's. The U.S. is supposed to be one nation for everyone, cause we are all equal.

The Gap Between the Rich and Poor

I think that Shillman is right when he explained about the TV and the cell phone saying, “I think the definition of poor today is they don’t have a 50-inch flat-screen TV,” he said. “How can you be poor, Tom… how can you say somebody is poor if they have a cell phone?” Because people now don't have much of a heart for the poor anymore and don't know the true meaning of poor. They can say, "I don't have much food to eat, I’m poor." Like you don't have "much" but at least you have something to eat. There are people out there that don't have anything at all to eat, and they have to dig through trash or beg just to get a piece of something. It really bothers be how kids misuse the meaning of poor. I have heard someone say that they shop at the 99 cent store and someone else started laughing at them and said, "Dude your poor". Like it's so immature, grow up.

I'm not quite sure why there is a gap between the rich and the poor. There shouldn't be because everyone is the same and money shouldn't matter. But it does to most people. There are groups that kids or people have divided the rich and the poor with. The poor are the ones that live in apartments or with a family member. The ones that ride the bus or that dress funny. Then there is the Rich. The rich is mainly the popular girls or boys that are in sports, live in nice houses, and dress nicely. The middle is the people that live in n average house, with regular clothes. I don't really agree with these kids that judge people and sort them in categories. Like I said before, everyone is the same and we shouldn’t get separated by our appearance.

If this gap between the rich and poor was to be fixed I think we, regular people, should be the ones to fix it. Simply by the rich hanging out with the poor, middle hanging out with rich. Just to mix things up a bit. In this case people would realize that it really doesn't matter what we look like, were all the same. The question, "Can it be fixed?" is up to us to figure it out.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

My Artistic Vizualization

My artistic visualization of myself is a book. A book because I enjoy reading books a lot. Its one thing I absolutely love to do.Like a book you have to get to know me before you decide if you like or not. You can’t just look at me a say you don’t like me.If you really get to know me then you can learn to love me more than you thought you would. Then also like a book I can have a lot of surprise but you won’t know them unless you know me. So this is why I chose a book as my artistic visualization of my self. 

The Blooming Flower.

I think a blooming flower represents me because I'm am growing in life. Also I chose a blooming flower because it is blooming into its new life and is ready to explore the world. As it grows taller and sprouting its  colorful pedals it starts to mature and sees the world a little different. Its like me how I'm learning and growing to become successful in life.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Unwritten Rules Of Camping

1. Never go by yourself or walk off on your own, always have a partner.

You should never walk off by your self or go alone because you can get lost real fast in the woods. If you get lost in the woods alone it would be a lot scarier then being with someone else and would be really dangerous. Also with two or more people it would give you a better chance to be found and it would give you a better chance at finding your way back. You might think you could find your way back if you walk off by your self, but as soon as you in the woods you realize how big it is and everything looks the same. That is why you should never go alone to the woods and always have a partner when your there.

2. Never start a fire alone, and if your younger always have a adult for supervision.

You might think its really to start a fire but, its also very easy for the fire to burn out of control. If the fire gets out of control your not only putting your life in danger but your also putting the lives of others and other living things in danger that are in the woods with you. Also if you start a fire alone you might fall asleep thinking the fire will go out by it self, but there's a chance it wont. That is why you should never start a fire alone, and if your younger have an adult with you so your under supervision.

3.  Don't leave food out and have all open and food that have sent to it in a locked ice chest.

When you leave food out it brings bears and other wild animals to your camp site. If wild animals smell your food they would tear everything up to get your food they smell. It puts your life in danger and the lives of others in danger because the animal might try to attack you and others if they see you guys and they might get scared and attack to. So always put food in a looked ice chess.

These are the three rules unwritten poems to going camping.
1. Never go by alone or walk off by your self, always have a partner.
2. Never start a fire alone, if your younger always have a adult to be under supervision.
3. Don't leave food out and have all open out or foods that have scenes, put them all in a locked ice chess.
Follow these rules to have a safe and fun time or experience camping.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Unwritten Rules For the Boys Locker Room

   So there are many unwritten rules everywhere. But the rules that I am going to talk are the BOYS LOCKER ROOM!

  1. Never  look at someone when you or the other person are changing. Because you will be called names and they are not going to leave you alone. 
  2. Never tell anyone your lock combination. And if you do then they are either going to tell someone else or they are going to open your locker and get anything they want. And you know that you don't want to get something valuable of yours stolen.
  3. Never leave anything out in the open where someone might get it. Like you deodorant, because they will get it and rub it from you own clothes to the inside of your locker. You also don't want to leave your clothes out in the open or you will get jacked or the boys will get them and put it inside the toilet on they will get them and throw them on top of a tree
   These are the top three rules or tradition in the boys locker room. Always keep your things with you and don't let them out of your sight.

Unwritten Rules about babysitting

so sometimes I babysit this girl named Miranda and from that experience i can tell somethings about it. this experience is something i wont forget ever in my life. And i like to share the unwritten rules about babysitting a child.

Do not let the child unattended because they will do something there not suppose to do. I speak from experience. So this was like a year ago and I was suppose to be watching this little girl.keep in mind that's shes 2 years old.And so I did watch her for a while but hen i got distracted by the TV. Then I went to check on her and found playing with my papers and shes was writing on them with a pen she had found.From that day on I always keep her entertained and its not that hard because she loves watching toy story and I'm not even joking if she could she would watch it all day. she never gets tired of it.So always keep a child entairtained.

Then another thing is if you take care of a child you should keep them busy and tire them out. When you tire them out it will be easier for them to be put to sleep. If they fall asleep faster that means you don't have to go through the trouble of having to put them to sleep and that means more time to sleep for you.

These are the things i have learned from babysitting. I hope its helps some of you when your babysitting someone.

Unwritten rules about fighting games online

Ok, so I have fighting games that you can go online to fight with, and these are the unwritten rules about it.

1. Be the hawk, look for the guppies.
  If you're online, look for noobs only. Because if you just pick a random person to fight and you're not that good, or that person is epicly better than you, there is a 90%-10% that they will win. But if you think that you are chuck norris, but you haven't practiced, if you go online and fight a really tough guy... you're screwed.

 2. Talking smack.
  If your online, I would recommend you not talk smack. Really, i'm serious. Just like talking back to you're parents, it will get you into trouble. If you go and say that you can beat anyone on the server, you better be really awsome at fighting because if you're not, They will beat you, then say stuff about you that is not true, and basically humilate you to oblivion. Good ol' backfiring.

 3. Sometimes, you just have to cheat to see another day.
  Last unwritten rule of fighting online. Sometimes, you get this feeling, this feeling like you have to cheat just to be in with everybody, or to recover your score, or to stay away from being the smallest fish in the barrel. You can cheat in different ways. Like, if you are not good, but you find a character whose power is really powerful, you cheat by using them. Another way you can cheat is by the internet itself. Glitches, lagging, hacking, or putting in a code can probably aid you in you're war. But be warned: ANYBODY CAN DO THE SAME THING. So your not alone. Last way to cheat is by spamming. Basiclly, using the same move over and over and over. But be warned: Spamming can backfire on you. How, is by playing the same person but they are spamming on you.

So those 3 are probrably the Main unwritten rules in fighting online. You can use these to your advantage, or just go how you roll.   

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Once upon a time
In a house so big and wide
The family that lived there
Were so happy inside

They danced and sang sweet songs there
How close the family was
The love was great they shared
You see they should they cared

And as you all grow older
You will always know
In times of trials and troubles
To your family you can go

My Poem

I believe in the words of my elders
The truth will always be found
The importance of saying the truth
The love your parents give you
The results of honesty,courage,
kindness,and love

But the fact that that you don't have
to work hard to succeed is silly

I believe the world will end someday
I believe in the happiness a person can bring
I believe in the hope of forgiving,
giving second chances, and being helpful

And I believe in the fact that falling in
love is unexpected


Someday I will graduate from high school
Someday I will go to collage
Someday I will get my masters degree
Someday I will be a doctor
Someday I will successful
Someday I will understand

Ode To The MoonLight

Under the bright light of the cold but peaceful night.
 You rest, and dream of so many things or just one thing, and just like a king you sleep peacefully.
 With the warm warmth of the light of the moon and stars shining through the window covering your face leaving no space.

Thursday, January 31, 2013


"It's our business to sell groceries lower than anyone else", that is the moto at Superior. I think that they have lived up to that moto. This is definitely worth the trip as it is great prices for fruits and vegies. I would recommend going on wednesdays and on thursdays, that is when the sales are going on. It is a totally awesome store if you know what you are doing. In all honestly some people do take advantage of the store, including me. Every time I take a trip to the store i always find my self eating something without paying for it, they do not have a very good system. The system however does benefit their customers. 

I do not understand how some people could pay $2 for a tomato at Alberson's when you can get more than 2 pounds of tomatoes for one buck. Even though some grocery stores are closer than Superior it's still worth going, because you save more money on food than you do on gas. Some reviews say that it smells bad in their, but i don't smell it probably because I've been their so many times that I am used to it. I actually think that it smells pretty fresh in there. 

As you can see I am a definite fan of of Superior Grocers. It is a family friendly store that is great for all kinds of heritages. I love going to the store with my mom and her getting me whatever I want, because the prices are great. They have the best snacks too just putting it out there.

The Hunger games Movie

The Hunger Games movie was one of the best movies I have seen and apparently many people enjoyed the movie too. This movie was almost as good as the book in my opinion.

So many people loved the movie that they were willing to stand in line hoping to see the stars of the movie. This is what I read in this article. not even all the fans that were got the change to see the stars but they were willing to take that risk and I would of the done the same because I loved that movie as much as twilight. And I think The Hunger Games was more popular than twilight and if it’s true it means it was a good movie.

Even though the hunger games movie and twilight movie are very different they were both great movies. But I think if The Hunger Games was more popular it’s because it has more action in it and in twilight it’s more about romance so mostly girls liked it. Then in the hunger games there was action and everyone likes to see action in a movie. 

In conclusion The Hunger Games movie was great no matter what anybody says. Most people who have seen the movie would agree with me and the people who also read the book would even more agree with me.

Paradise Baffet

Paradise Buffet is a great place to eat. (The one in Montclair on Seventh and Central) There are many different types of food there. Many people that do go there to eat like it a lot. There restaurant is very clean and they have fast service with nice workers to.  Here is the link to their page.

Their food is so good. They have all kinds of different food. Whatever food that you are in the mood for, they most likely have it. They have a salad bar, Mexican food, Italian, sea food, and a lot more.

 They also have a Mongolian BBQ Grill to. It’s so good you can choose what you want like noodles, vegetables, fruits, and meat. Then you go to the sauces and they take your bowl and cook it right in front of you. Then when it’s done they give it to you and you most likely will like it and want more.

There dessert is so good to. They have everything from cheese cake, to cake, to brownies, to ice cream and one of my favorites- cookie cake. O but that’s not all they have a- a- a CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN! You get to choose from fruit, marshmallows, or whatever you want then put it on a stick and put it through the chocolate fountain. It’s so good!

So there food is really good, but the restaurant is very clean as well. They are always cleaning the tables and picking up your plates when you’re done. If anyone spills something they go and clean it right away. There bathrooms are very clean to. They are not dirty and don’t smell bad. They always clean them so they don’t get smelly or messy.

There workers are very polite to. They are always nice to their costumers even when it’s busy or if they are busy. Also is you go on someone’s birthday they make something for them and sing a birthday song. This is why Paradise Buffet is a great restaurant and I recommend it.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Las Vegas

OK, so I don't really go to different places a lot but the place that I did go to and I loved it there was Las Vegas. The bad thing was that I only stayed there for about four days and three nights. I think that everyone should go there because there are many things to do for adults, teens, and children. There are also many casinos to go to. But there are some for the whole family and there are others for adults also. Well when I went there it took a long time because we went by car, But is was worth it because we saw many things. Like we saw some guys driving their go carts on a dry river. We saw many ghost towns but the coolest thing I saw where like twenty mini tornadoes. They were like the size of a man.

So when we got there, there many casinos to choose from. And we chose a casino that was a hotel and was for children also. We checked are bags, got our rooms and I took a shower because i was sweating a lot under the blazing hot sun. So I got dressed and I went down the stairs with my cousins and we went to the arcade part. And I couldn't believe that there was even a roller coaster inside the casino. There were also many games of course. During the trip we rode on a small train that took us all over three casinos. We went to concerts and to the movie theater.

So what I am trying to say is that there many things to do in Las Vegas. I think that if you haven't gone there than you must go. Because you can do things from swimming in a pool to going on monster truck shows or concerts. I only stayed there for a little but I loved it. I liked going there because you get out of your daily routine and you just go to have some major fun!

Welcome to Canyon Club.

There is a Place where you can go to. To Have fun, to Relax, to do whatever. Trust me, it is a calm area. With the trees so green and yellow, the grass so fresh and lush, I always roam the gray, neat, rocky complex looking up at the sky. Even though the apartmenting is small, it is nice. There is a Humongus tennis court, so big, so large, like a colliseum. I like to go there and run or ride around the whole thing. The wind singing, the trees covering like a Rain forest, it is a beautiful sight. There is a small, but peacful area that is just a pretty sight. A round complex that you could follow for hours. Tables, BBQ stands, and trees glistening in the wind. The leaves falling off and flying like 1000,s of butterflies. In the evening, so nice and so yellow orange you can taste the warmth. The air smells like a green and brown canyon without the dust. If you don't belive me, I would still recommend you atleast visit. Because it is like a Canyon, so long and wandering. This is Canyon Club. Welcome.

Monday, January 21, 2013

My Goals

This year I have made it necessary for myself to try my best to stop procrastinating. I find it difficult to achieve good grades if I do not stop doing so. A way I can achieve this goal is to keep up with my assignments. I will try my best not to do my big assignment one night before it is do. When I get big projects I will try to work on it as soon as I get it. Another small goal I have is to read a book. I want to read a book for pleasure not just because I have to read it. It would be amazing if I actually am able to do this because I have never been much of a reader. I really ever read books because I have to for school. One way I can reach my goal is by picking a book I would really like and once I do that I will try to read about ten pages everyday.  

Thursday, January 17, 2013

My Simple 2013 Goals

  Everyone has a goal  or goals in some point in their life. And mine are simple. They might not mean a lot to some people but they kinda do to me. I don't know if you know this but I just say what is in my mind and here I go. My first goal is to get good grades in all my classes. By that I mean getting straight A's. But it is not going good for me on that goal. My second goal is to read more. I do not like to read that much so I am going to try to read more. I want to get into reading a little bit more. But sometimes I just do not like to read. So its like this. Imagine something that you don't like but you still have to do it and its mandatory. OK so that didn't make sense. You have to be in my position to understand. I already got allot of ... ''stuff'' on my back and reading for me is just a waste of time. I don't know, its pretty difficult to understand me. OK so, what was I on, oh ya my third goal is to try to get some time for myself. Like riding my bike playing some video games or just walking by myself to the park. As I said before, I got too much stuff on me and I just want to clear it all off. So I can enjoy life like how I did before Jr. High. I can go on about my goals but they are all too emotional or too dark to share. And that is all for this blog.Bye.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Perfect Goals!

Many people set goals for themselves. Goal means something that you aim or shoot for, or in other words something that you are trying to achieve. There are different types of goals. There are short term goals for instance like cleaning you room every morning when you get up, before you leave for school for a month. Also there is long term goals like with in two years I want to keep my grades straight A's (or principals honor roll).

One of my goals is to keep my grades all A's, or principals honor roll for the rest of this year and longer if I can. The way I can achieve this goal is by one, paying attention in all my classes. Two, do all assignment and homework in all my classes. Three, making sure I understand all my work. Four, studying for all my quizzes and tests. Five, doing extra credit when ever I can.

Another short term goal I have is to achieve a round off. A round off is like a cart wheel but, it turns into a flip(like a back flip) in the middle of the cart wheel and you land straight up with your feet together facing the opposite way you started. The way I can achieve this goal is one, I can practice a different part every time I try it. Two, I can do cart wheels until I get the hang of it to move on to the flip in the middle of it. Three, try improving the round off as soon as I get it. Four, do the round off over and over so I become better at it. Five, learn to keep balance. Six, try it a couple times a day to improve.

One long term goal I have is to start a little stand of things I make. Some of the things I make are out of duct tape like, flower pens, hair bows, hair berets, earrings, wallets, rings, necklaces, bracelets, anklets, wallets, and a couple other things. I also make bracelets, necklaces, anklets and a couple other things out of beads and croshay. There is many styles, designs, and colors I make them out of. The way I can achieve this goal is one, practice making all and many other things with these materials I use. Two, make a bunch of the thing I make and learn how to make other things so there will be a variety of things for the people to choose from. Three, save money for the stand and for more materials. Four, make the stand.

My goal

Many people set goals for themselves and sometimes they don't accomplish them because they give up. But I promise to myself that I will not give up on my goal even if I want to.

My goal is to save up the money I receive instead of spending it on something I don't need. I receive money every two weeks because I pick up my neighbor's daughter from school. So when I receive the money I end up spending it. For example when The Hunger Games movie was out I wanted to read all the books before I saw the movie and I used my money and bought the books. But, I probably should of just got the books at he library because it would saved me a lot of money.

Anyways what I’m going to do is every time I receive money I will give it to my mom and tell not to give it to me unless I really needed. And so I don't try to be sneaky and get it when she’s not there I will tell not to tell where she keeps it. This I won’t spend my money on something useless but only when I need because it’s good to know that you have money if you need in an emergency. Then when the time comes and I’m older I will know that it’s good to save up money.

It’s the little things I will do that will help me accomplish my goals because I would like to succeed and complete this goal. I don’t want to be one of those people who sets a goal and never accomplishes it because they give up because I’m capable of accomplishing a goal even if it’s hard for me to do it.

My Goals

Photo credit.
My Goals
I actually have many goals in life. My first goal to complete is to be the Fastsest kid in the whole entire school. And, I have been practicing and working on that goal. I jog and excercise and practice on my running. I am getting faster and faster, and pretty soon when it comes to the mile and timed laps, I will be in first and have the earliest time from everyone else! My second goal in life, is to get honor role every year, get a scholarship, get into Harvard University, take Art and Technology classes and the rest, and to recieve ALL degrees. My third goal is to get a very good job and to be awsome on what I do. So, those three are actually my three MAJOR goals to work on. The rest of my goals are just everyday goals. To stay fit, being a nice person, having good behavior, passing with all A's and flying colors, etc.