There is many symbols that can be or describe love.Many people have there own opinion of love.The main ones are flowers/roses, chocolate, jewelry and stuffed animals.There is many more but those are just a few that some people think is a good symbol of love.
I think a good symbol of love can be a lot of things.It depends on what the person who you are getting it for likes.Some people like flowers, chocolate, jewelry and stuffed animals or even real animals but if you decide to get someone a real animal you should make sure that they are not allergic and want a animal because some people don't want a animal.
I think a good symbol of love is something that you can have for a long time like a stuffed animal with a fake rose or something like that because you can have that for a long time without it melting or dyeing.Also you can find really cute stuffed animals.
Real flowers can be a great symbol of love too though because when they start to die you can put something heavy over them for about a day or longer so they get smashed and then put them in something so you can have it for a long time and it looks really cool. This article tells what you can do with some flowers like this and it also gives advice on some other things.
So these are few things that i think is a good symbol of love.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Rose: Symbol of love and hate
Photo credit
The rose. The original. The OG. The first love symbol to make a lady fall in love. The rose is the main symbol of love, and hate too. The reason the rose is the symbol of love is because of its beautiful design and color. The design is an swirly, beautiful, pattern that puts the person you love into a loving trance. So much petals in one flower. It catches the person and automatically makes them fall in love. That is why you always see people in cartoons, public, and T.V. shows give the rose[s] to the woman because they know that it always works and it is the original love symbol. The easy way in. Perfect combination: Roses + Woman = Easy love.
BUT, the rose just can't be a symbol for love, the rose is also flawed. Like everything else in the world. The rose can be a symbol of hate because of the things we always watch out for: its thorns and pricks. That is the flaw. That is the problem. That, is the hate side of it. The reason why is because of the break-ups, divorces, hating, they all hurt the person just like thorns do when you touch them. Love is not just good, it is flawed. Bad too. Plus, once the flower is picked off, weeks from that day, it starts to stink and the petals fall off. It is very sad. Love can be sad, just like break-ups, and divorces. Those are the two sides of the original love symbol rose. Love and hate, love and lost.
Heart Symbol
When it comes to love,the first thing that comes in my mind is a heart and the coler red.Why?Because when someone says ''I love you'' it means that they like them and that they care for them and that they will always have a spot in their heart for them.And I think that the heart is the most important organ in your life.And that person that you like is also an important person in your life.And also,because you love them with all your heart.
People shape chocolate boxes,perfumes,sweats,jewelry,and tattoos on purpose.They do this to represent love.Sure there are different symbols of love like rings,chocolates,flowers,etc.Chocolates can expire, roses can die, rings can be lost.But a heart, is in you , and all your memories are in you as well.Hearts are always used at valentines day.
Hearts are decorated with the color red or pink most of the time, because those colors mean love.Because just the color red or pink splattered on a piece of paper doeosn't mean anything.It needs to represent something in order to stand out.And it is mostely used on hearts.To represent love or romance.Red can be represented as somthing bad or good.When I say bad it's like blood.And in good is what I am talking about.
I think that red and hearts are the symbols that represent love.
People shape chocolate boxes,perfumes,sweats,jewelry,and tattoos on purpose.They do this to represent love.Sure there are different symbols of love like rings,chocolates,flowers,etc.Chocolates can expire, roses can die, rings can be lost.But a heart, is in you , and all your memories are in you as well.Hearts are always used at valentines day.
Hearts are decorated with the color red or pink most of the time, because those colors mean love.Because just the color red or pink splattered on a piece of paper doeosn't mean anything.It needs to represent something in order to stand out.And it is mostely used on hearts.To represent love or romance.Red can be represented as somthing bad or good.When I say bad it's like blood.And in good is what I am talking about.
I think that red and hearts are the symbols that represent love.
A Love symbol
Chocolate is the best symbol for love in my opinion. It's the best symbol because if you give to your girlfriend/boyfriend or someone you like the chocolate will last them for a while not like flowers because they die easily. If you give them flowers the person probably wont take care of it and when they smell that they gone bad they just throw it away. So you buying the flowers will be just wasting you money. But if you get them chocolate they could eat it whenever they want a snack or something then if they have some left they could put it away for some other day because chocolate last more than flowers. Another reason why chocolate is the best symbol for love is because chocolate makes you feel happy and when your in love your always happy and you smile. Chocolate is the perfect symbol because they can last more than many other symbols for love. For example, wedding rings because rings can be easily lost or can be taken away from you if the person who gave it to you breaks up with you and leaves you.
In conclusion, there might be others symbols for love, flowers, and rings ext. But chocolate is definitely the best symbol for love because it makes you happy and you don't waste your money on something that will be thrown away.
Why A Rose Is A Perfect Symbol Of Love
There are many symbols of love. Hearts , chocolates , stuffed animals etc. But the best one is a Rose. Roses often symbolize love and beauty. Therefore, they represent ladies, also. From a Christian perspective, a rose is a symbol of heaven and harmony in the world.Also a rose bush was said to have grown at the site of Christ’s death. His blood serving is often associated with a red rose, combined with its thorns is thus symbolized the ultimate sacrifice.Furthermore, the rose is considered the flower of the Virgin Mary.The Rose's period of blooming is so short that the only magical belief about it was that if a girl picks a rose on Midsummer Eve, wraps it up, and finds it unfaded on Christmas Eve, her lover is true.Nowadays, roses are thought appropriate to all forms of love; they may be laid on a coffin, a rose bush planted as a memorial to the dead, etc. The color of the rose is often significant. Red is for romantic love. Like other plants, a Rose, especially one that is still alive, can also carry hints of growth, renewal. Roses have thorns which represent the pain or hurt hidden in the beauty, as in "love hurts". Roses have long been a symbol of confidentiality - the Latin expression sub rosa (literally "under the rose") means something told in secret.So the Rose would usually be used by a secret admirer.
In conclusion , there are many statements from people that I have talked to and what I have researched about roses and , what it symbolizes. Red is the main color of love , weather its a heart or a Rose. The thorns are symbolism of sacrifice and problems that you have gone though with that person. Even though their unconditional love comes together again. So In my eyes a rose is the perfect symbol of love.
In conclusion , there are many statements from people that I have talked to and what I have researched about roses and , what it symbolizes. Red is the main color of love , weather its a heart or a Rose. The thorns are symbolism of sacrifice and problems that you have gone though with that person. Even though their unconditional love comes together again. So In my eyes a rose is the perfect symbol of love.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Do You Know Where This Book Is?
There is many books that has been banded throughout the years. I think some stories should be banded an some are fine. There is also many book that are being challenged to. There has been so many schools that has already removed many books from there library's.Here is some books that have been banded from some schools.Some books should be banded but some books are good books for kids to read. A lot of people talk about the books they use to read when they were in school but now, there is so many different books and some of the books got banded.I have read some of the banded books and I don't understand how they can be banded .Some of them are really good books and teach things that students learn today in school.In many schools the students had to read some banded books.So I think if the school wants the whole class to read it, it should be fine to be in school library's so the students can read them.Many students like to read many different types of books to so they might want to read a book that has been banded but not know it has been because, they thought it was a school appropriate book for school.This is What i think of some books that have been banded from many schools all over.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Banned Books
Some people may disagree that The Hunger Games should be banned because they enjoy reading this book. I personally think this book shouldn't be banned because I've read it read it and I think its a great book. This book is about a place called Panem that was once North America and now its just a capital surrounded by 12 districts. They have an annual event called the hunger games that they must choose one boy and girl tribute from every district to participate. This year has from district Katniss has volunteered to play in the place of her sister and they boy tribute is Peeta who once gave Katniss bread. Later when they go to the capital they get interview on TV and Peeta declares he love for her. Shes just thinks its just a plat just to get sponsors and plays along but doesn't know he really does like her. In the games he always protects he and is willing to lose the game for her to win.
So this book teaches you that if you really like someone you will do anything to protect or save them. The Hunger Games shouldn't be banned from any schools or libraries. This is a great book and it should be available for everyone to read. Teachers and other may say its inappropriate for certain ages because its has to much violence. But its a great book and if people are not mature enough to read then just don't read them. Problem solved.
Banned or Challenged Books
Ever read a book that was just inappropriate at points? Or read a book in class and when the teacher says a bad word in the text everyone laughs and looks at each other? Well we found a solution to a few of these problems. When Authors write a book and decide to sell it their book needs to be checked to make sure that it is appropriate to sell. A lot of books have passed and can be sold but a few may become challenged books. Challenged books is when a book is inappropriate and they are re-thinking of Banding it. Banning books is when they are not allowed to be on stock/sold anymore. Well , these are a few of examples of what I think are challenged books , but should not be banded that I got from a few websites that agree with me.
It's Perfectly Normal:
Robie Harris wrote this award-winning book for children going through puberty. It is mainly about growing up and having a few changes in your life. This book has been moved from the children section to the Adult section because of homosexuality.
To Kill A Mockingbird:
Author Harper Lee's take on racial injustice, mixed with rape, has proven to be a combustible combination for a few communities. This book is heard to be racist.
The Grooming Of Alice:
The Author of this book is Phyllis Reynolds and this book comes with a series of others. Most of them have been challenged at one time before.This one, Alice and her friends aim for the perfect bodies by ninth grade. This is challenged because it "promotes homosexuality".
The seven "Potter" fantasy novels have been very popular. Besides at schools , this book is banded at a few schools like Bridgeport Township for involving Witchcraft. Also needing permission from parents at other schools.
I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings:
This autobiography by Maya Angelou has has rejection from the Alabama State Textbook Committee because it shows "bitterness and hatred toward white people and encourages deviant behavior because of sexual content"which includes Angelou's account of being raped as an 8-year-old.
All of these books have some kind of bad negativity , but sometimes that is exactly what you need to spice up your book. For example , Twilight , if it didn't have the things that are so called negative/bad things in it , it wouldn't be that good of a book. This has always been a problem in schools and libraries because of the negativity. But maybe that's just what we need to add interest to the books.
It's Perfectly Normal:
Robie Harris wrote this award-winning book for children going through puberty. It is mainly about growing up and having a few changes in your life. This book has been moved from the children section to the Adult section because of homosexuality.
To Kill A Mockingbird:
Author Harper Lee's take on racial injustice, mixed with rape, has proven to be a combustible combination for a few communities. This book is heard to be racist.
The Grooming Of Alice:
The Author of this book is Phyllis Reynolds and this book comes with a series of others. Most of them have been challenged at one time before.This one, Alice and her friends aim for the perfect bodies by ninth grade. This is challenged because it "promotes homosexuality".
The seven "Potter" fantasy novels have been very popular. Besides at schools , this book is banded at a few schools like Bridgeport Township for involving Witchcraft. Also needing permission from parents at other schools.
I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings:
This autobiography by Maya Angelou has has rejection from the Alabama State Textbook Committee because it shows "bitterness and hatred toward white people and encourages deviant behavior because of sexual content"which includes Angelou's account of being raped as an 8-year-old.
All of these books have some kind of bad negativity , but sometimes that is exactly what you need to spice up your book. For example , Twilight , if it didn't have the things that are so called negative/bad things in it , it wouldn't be that good of a book. This has always been a problem in schools and libraries because of the negativity. But maybe that's just what we need to add interest to the books.
Harry potter books banned and challenged?
In 2000, when harry potter came out with his first book, already it was challenged and possibly banned and so were the rest of his books that came out later years. His book was banned because it promoted' " magic and witchcraft. " And they took it out of the libraries, teachers couldn't read it out loud, and I think the book was banned for other reasons too, I just can't remember them. I think that is stupid to bann his book or, books. They know that the magic is not real. They know that flying on brooms and magic potions are not real. So why bann? I really didn't read any, and I don't believe in that stuff, but I do know that it is JUST FOR ENTERTAINMENT. What about the movies? Are you people gonna bann the movies too? [ sarcasim. ]
Potter baned
Photo credit
In 2000 in Michigan, Harry Potter books were baned in public schools.They were baned because they ''promoted witchcraft''.Students in the 8th grade needed to ask permission to read these books.Also teachers couldn't read out loud to students.Personally I think that was stupid.I think everyone knows that Harry Potter is fake.I really don't see what is wrong with reading these books. I think everyone can read this while be leaving witchcraft is fake.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Role Models, Good or Bad?
I recently read this article at Common Sense Media about bad T.V role models. I disagree with this article in multiple ways. It is being unfair to some celebrities that are actually good role models, such as Bella Thorne (Cece Jones) and Zendaya (Rocky Blue) from Shake It Up. They are both good role models to young girls everywhere. In the show they are not interested in fame only to live there dreams as dancers. They said themselves they are tweens trying to fit in.
People That Should be Added to the List
Charlie Sheen-he is a drug addict and involved in a show with a lot of inappropriate content
Tyra Banks- she makes girls feel insecure and feel bad when she insults other girlsfor the most littlest thing about them
Chelsea Handler-she uses inappropriate language and she gives a bad example to young girls with the certain things she says
Lindsay Lohan-she has not tried to quit drinking or drugs she has been really downhill for the past few years and she might not recover ever
In conclusion I don't think that Common Sense Media did a very good job with their article. They should have researched more ratings and more episodes. There was no need for them just to pick the easiest target. Even though there are some negative about that article, I do agree with the rest of it.
People That Should be Added to the List
Charlie Sheen-he is a drug addict and involved in a show with a lot of inappropriate content
Tyra Banks- she makes girls feel insecure and feel bad when she insults other girlsfor the most littlest thing about them
Chelsea Handler-she uses inappropriate language and she gives a bad example to young girls with the certain things she says
Lindsay Lohan-she has not tried to quit drinking or drugs she has been really downhill for the past few years and she might not recover ever
In conclusion I don't think that Common Sense Media did a very good job with their article. They should have researched more ratings and more episodes. There was no need for them just to pick the easiest target. Even though there are some negative about that article, I do agree with the rest of it.
Are They The Worst TV Role Models?

So this is why I think CeCe and Rocky from Shake It Up is not a bad show.The lessons they teach are good for kids to learn.There are other people in the show that also help them learn lessons.Most of the characters in the show learn lessons, sometimes its all of them with the same one or they learn different ones.This is my opinion about the CeCe and Rocky being on the list of the ten worst TV role models.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Tv Corruptions
There are soo many TV shows that are corruption for your children today. This link has a great point of view of it all. For example , Cookie Monster , Adventure Time , Keeping up with the Kardashians etc. Even though it is entertaining , there are not good role models on there. Here are a few reasons why theyre horrible.
Cookie Monster:
A bad influence because Cookie Monster eat cookies all day, and that's it! Your kids watch it and think of him as a role model and do the same. All they want to eat is Cookies! This teaches them to become diabetic.
Adventure Time:
I personally do not like this show because its really weird. They're always ending up in another dimension , its like really weird & scary. Then he has a dog that stretches his body everywhere. And this wizard that they follow like hes their leader or something. Its just straight weird! Makes me wonder about the creator...
They always have some sort of drama in their show & its just like who would want their kids to watch these shows and think they want to be just like them when they get older.
Another BIG one is Jersey shore!:
I mean come on , they go out to the club and get drunk all night , then come home and fight. GTL and be lazy. What a great role model for kids. Snookie used to be a big one , but now shes not that bad because shes pregnant and shes getting her life together.
These are just a few that really bugged me and i wanted to express it with you guys. I really think jersey shore is the worst one. Its crazy how they can make TV shows seem soo innocent when if you look into it closely there's weird things behind it. Now parents Pay attention to what your child is watching because it may affect their attitude and viewpoint of things.
There's been a Mistake
So I was just reading this common sense media article on worst ten TV role models. As I was scrolling down the list I saw the main characters from shake it up were on it and I disagree with that. The main characters Cece and rocky aren't the worst role models. My reason being that I watched this show with my little cousin and there characters aren't bad role model. One reason why there are not bad role models is because they still go to school even if they are dancers in Shake it up Chicago. This teaches children that you should stay in school even if you don't like it or you think your career doesn't require for you to go to school because in the show they want to be professional dancers and they don't just focus on that but also in their studies. Another thing there not just looking for fame and don't put it above else because if they did they wouldn't bother go school. if they already dancing in a TV show. So I think these to girls aren't the worst role models but one of the best. This is just my opinion and I hope you agree with me and this all I have to say.
3 WORST T.V. Role Models
3 Worst T.V. Role Models
There are lots of bad T.V. role models. I mean, BAD, as of horrible models. Here are 3 of the most HORRIBLE T.V. role models.
1. Squidward. From: Spongebob Squarepants
Why: Selfish, snobbish, greedy squid who hates Fun and happiness.
Squidward is a very horrible and mean, snobby, greedy, T.V. role model who hates fun and happiness. He always wants everything for himself. All he talks about is him, his music, [which is horribly horrible,] his fancy house, [which is just a tiki head that is very angry or deppressed,] and his clairinet, [which creates the horribly horrible music,] and DOES NOT like fun or happiness: Spongebob and all his buddies. All Squidward cares about is himself, and his dreams, and everything in his house. He doesn't talk to anyone, treats everyone with very-low respect [basically, thinks high king about himself and thinks everyone else is a piece of crap dukey.] And he's only nice when he gets what he wants. He's not grateful of his job, his neighbors, or anything else. He don't even have any REAL friends! Only 3: him, himself, and he.
2. Apple. From: Annoying Orange
Why: An antisocial fruit who gets on everyone's nerves.
Ah, apple. The antisocial, depressing, non-fun red fruit that gets on peoples' nerves, especially Orange's. Apple should be on the list of bad T.V. role models. Because he is an antisocial, depressed, red fruit who gets on everyones' nerve. To him, he is a regular, sane, apple. And yes, he is sane, but depressed and antisocial. He has no friends, except Marshmellow, who is everyones friend. He doesn't talk much, and always has that depressing face that makes little kids depressed. And when he talks, everyone ignores it and his advice or voice, gets on the nerves of the one we all know and love, Orange. And he never has a happy attitude. He's miserable in fact, he is so miserable, that he ends up getting killed, or sliced in every episode. Maybe because he is low-lifed, or maybe because that he is so horrible on t.v., that he gets killed just to shut him up. If you think Orange is a bad t.v. role model, haah!! You should think twice about apple.
3. Fred. from: The fred show and his movies
Why: HE IS ANNOYING!! And weird.
I don't know how and why they came up with Fred, and I don't want to know. I have seen his movies, but never watched his show, because I have already seen enough and already know how annoying he is. With his mini-voice and weird clothes. I do have to admit, he is a little funny. But still, he is a weird, annoying, sissified charachter. And he kind of talks, and acts like a goofy girl. That is always why people think weird of him, and he always gets picked on.
Well, that is just some of the worst. If you want to know more, check out this site. Photo Credit.
Bad Shows For Kids
I am going to tell you six bad different t.v. shows or characters for kids.These are t.v. shows that I think that are
bad for children.These shows either have bad language,bad behavior,or bad influence.
Lets start off with ANNOYING ORANGE.When my brother is watching this I turn the t.v. off or I change it to a different channel.Why.Because it's so annoying.I think this t.v. show is bad for kids because it turns the into little mimicking little monsters.Because children do sometimes what they see on t.v.,they try to act like that extremely annoying orange.
FAMILY GUY.Sure, I like to watch family guy.But I think it is bad for children under thirteen to watch it.Because there is drinking,bad words,smoking,and fighting with blood on it.And I don't think that their parents want them to see that.
Now this one,I think every one has seen this one.JERRY.......Jerry,Jerry.Jerry!I know that everyone hes seen this.I definitely know that this is bad for thirteen or under.This has bad language,it has times that they need to censored body parts and etc.This has to be the worst show for kids.
HELL'S KITCHEN.This has bad language.This chef take the restaurant industry to another level.He takes it like if they are in the military.I think this should be called ''BOOT CAMP KITCHEN''.
COOKIE MONSTER!Yes you herd right.I think this is bad because it shows kids to eat cookies instead of fruits or veggies.If kids really like this monster than they are going to act like him.And start eating cookies.
And this is going to lead to obesity.
BART SIMPSON.This kid is AWESOME.But I think he is a bad influence on children.He shoots people with his slingshot,rides his skateboard anywhere,and does what ever he wants to do.
These are the t.v. shows or characters I think that are bad for children.Because they either have bad influence on children,bad language ,or bad behavior
bad for children.These shows either have bad language,bad behavior,or bad influence.
Lets start off with ANNOYING ORANGE.When my brother is watching this I turn the t.v. off or I change it to a different channel.Why.Because it's so annoying.I think this t.v. show is bad for kids because it turns the into little mimicking little monsters.Because children do sometimes what they see on t.v.,they try to act like that extremely annoying orange.
FAMILY GUY.Sure, I like to watch family guy.But I think it is bad for children under thirteen to watch it.Because there is drinking,bad words,smoking,and fighting with blood on it.And I don't think that their parents want them to see that.
Now this one,I think every one has seen this one.JERRY.......Jerry,Jerry.Jerry!I know that everyone hes seen this.I definitely know that this is bad for thirteen or under.This has bad language,it has times that they need to censored body parts and etc.This has to be the worst show for kids.
HELL'S KITCHEN.This has bad language.This chef take the restaurant industry to another level.He takes it like if they are in the military.I think this should be called ''BOOT CAMP KITCHEN''.
COOKIE MONSTER!Yes you herd right.I think this is bad because it shows kids to eat cookies instead of fruits or veggies.If kids really like this monster than they are going to act like him.And start eating cookies.
And this is going to lead to obesity.
BART SIMPSON.This kid is AWESOME.But I think he is a bad influence on children.He shoots people with his slingshot,rides his skateboard anywhere,and does what ever he wants to do.
These are the t.v. shows or characters I think that are bad for children.Because they either have bad influence on children,bad language ,or bad behavior
Thursday, October 4, 2012
How To Make Gorditas
A gordita (Little fat one) is similar to a corn a corn tortilla. It is much smaller and fatter than a regular tortilla.When grilled a gordita inflates a bit and and split to form a pocket. This might seem easy to do but it is a little difficult. The steps to making a gordita are as followed. You can also read these article that I found on how to make a Gordita. This website will show you how to make them
Step 1: Make a fresh masa and mix with warm water to form soft dough also work in warmed lard (microwave until soft not melted), when the masa feels not to wet or, not to crumbly then put into plastic bag, and let it stand for 10 minutes
Step 2: Heat your skillet on medium heat settling, from there you will pinch off a piece of dough about 2 inches thick, form dough into ball with your palms (put remaining dough in plastic bag to prevent drying out) pat down dough until about 1/4'' thick and about 4 inches in diameter
Step 3: Place dough on hot skillet and let cook for about a minute, turn over and let cook for anoter minute or so, remove and let cool slightly
Step 4: Carefully drop gordita into hot oil (350 degrees to 375 degrees) let fry for about 30 seconds, then turn over for another 30 seconds, then it should start to puff up slightly, when brown remove and pllace on paper towel
Step 5: Let gordita cool slightly then slice open put your favorite fillings inside
That is how to make a gordita (little fat one). This is one of my favorite mexican dishes.
Step 1: Make a fresh masa and mix with warm water to form soft dough also work in warmed lard (microwave until soft not melted), when the masa feels not to wet or, not to crumbly then put into plastic bag, and let it stand for 10 minutes
Step 2: Heat your skillet on medium heat settling, from there you will pinch off a piece of dough about 2 inches thick, form dough into ball with your palms (put remaining dough in plastic bag to prevent drying out) pat down dough until about 1/4'' thick and about 4 inches in diameter
Step 3: Place dough on hot skillet and let cook for about a minute, turn over and let cook for anoter minute or so, remove and let cool slightly
Step 4: Carefully drop gordita into hot oil (350 degrees to 375 degrees) let fry for about 30 seconds, then turn over for another 30 seconds, then it should start to puff up slightly, when brown remove and pllace on paper towel
Step 5: Let gordita cool slightly then slice open put your favorite fillings inside
That is how to make a gordita (little fat one). This is one of my favorite mexican dishes.
How To Be A Happy Camper
Camping is really fun there are many things you can do while camping.Some examples are hiking,fishing,boating,swimming,and have camp fires. I've had the privileged of going camping in cabins,tents,and in a camper.The best time I ever had was in a tent around a camp fire with my church roasting marsh mellows and telling scary stories.There is many camp grounds you can go to in California. I've been to many sites like Big Bear Lake,Arrow Head Lake,Silver Wood Lake, Crest Line, and Angela National Forest.Two places I really would like to go camping at would be the Grand Canyon or Yellow Stone Montana.It would be really nice to go camping in the winter when its snowing.When you go camping always be prepared for the weather and don't forget enough food cause you never know what could happen a bear might just come and snack on your food so always bring an ice chest that locks.There are many other wild animals that are hungry as well like mountain lions, squirrels,bats,and owls.The ones that I really don't like are the little blood hungry mosquitoes.Over all camping is on of my favorite things to do.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012
How to get good grades
you ever wondered how you can good grades in school? Well the answer is simple
do your work and study but here are some tips to accomplished good
grades. First you must do all your for every class not jut one of them. But if you’re
having troubles with your homework then ask for help. From anybody you know. For example your
teachers, friends or get a tutor. I'm telling you there is no excuse for not
doing your homework unless nobody is willing to help you but that is unlikely
to happen. Another thing you should do if you need help is have a study group
with friends so you guys can work together and succeed on what you
need to do. You probably feel more comfortable asking help
from your friends than other people. This because you feel you can trust your
friends more than your teachers. But don't feel like that if you know you can
trust then ask them for help. This how you can achieve good grades in school.
Here is one more thing you can do. Which is to make arrangements to
go after school everyday and get help from the class you need help
from your teacher. You should be there a certain amount of time there because
you have other stuff to do I'm guessing. Unless you having nothing else to do
but study for. These are just some suggestions on how to get good grades. Hope
you take my advice. Good luck to the people who use this technique to improve
there grades.
How to stay smart and healthy : D
Now I'm not your P.E. teacher, or gym teacher, or coach, but I can tell you on how to say smart and healthy! Now, staying healthy helps you in two major areas. Your brain, and your body or, heart. There are lots of ways to stay healthy, alive and kicking. It REALLY HELPS your body alot! So, i'm going to tell you ways on how you can.
So, one way on how to be, and stay healthy, is the most helpful. Excercise! They say that excercise helps endurance, muscular endurance, strength, cardio/ cardio vascular, stamina, and mostly important, your muscles! To help your legs, do leg stretches. Stretches like the butterfly, right- leg stretch, left- leg stretch, both leg stretch, and many more. For flexibility, bend- downs, arms over your chest, cherry-pickers, I think jumping- jacks, stretches, and windmills. For running, you can do jogging, jogging-in-place, deep breaths, walking, and when your actually running, MAKE SURE that you breath in through your nose, and out with your mouth in a controlled pace, to stay in the race!
Last things, you can also stay healthy by eating right! There are SO MANY healthy foods and drinks, sorry, but I can't name them all! I'll give you some examples; Eating healthy will help you live longer, be healthier, and to stay smarter too! Some foods to eat: Fruit [ we all know that one.], Fish [helps make your brain cells much smarter, you can remember more, and smarter memory.], Veggies, low-carb foods, salads, and cereal/ oatmeal. That is some out of the many healty foods. Now for drinks: Water, smoothie or fruit-drinks, milk, juice, etc. And those are the tips I gave you today so you can live healthy and happy.
Big Sister/Big Brother
"STOP! Don't touch that!" BOOM! CRASH!....Ever had this happen to you? Or "I'm Telling Mom!" Well I have , I get it all the time.I have three younger brothers and one older brother , two of the younger brothers I am with all the time.And trust me , they can be a handful! They are always running around screaming and yelling. Little brothers are CRAZY. One of them was screaming for food in his high chair , then once he got it he just threw it over the edge! On the other side they can be the best siblings you can have like yesterday , I Was REALLY tired , and he grabs my finger and pulls me towards his toys and makes me sit in his little Spider Man chair with him , how cute is that! And older siblings have their side also.Like yesterday I was laying on the couch minding my own business then , BAM! I got a pillow slammed in my face. Then when I do something to him to get him back for whatever he did , he gets mad. Although sometimes I get lucky and he doesn't get mad , we just end up wrestling or something like that. But not in a mean way. My bigger brother is very protective over me , he doesn't like me talking to boys if he doesn't like them , That blows! But like younger siblings they always have that good side. I know we love each other even through everything we have been through. And i know that they will always be there for me when i need them.You also get responsibility's. I have to change my brothers diaper a lot , its nasty! But I also look at it as if its practice just in case I ever decide to have my own baby. You also have to care for them , yeah mom does all that but its always good to help out because she has to do a lot. You should be a good role model for them. Witch is like saying positive things , working hard in school. Younger kids always look up to you , like your their hero. I always try to do good things in front of my brother so that hes not a little brat when he gets older. But I think its a little too late for that! You can also look after you older siblings too even though they should be doing that for you. They might need a little guidance because they weren't taught. So that's why you have to be on top of things around your home in case no one else is.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
How To Be A Good Student
How do you become a good student?There are many ways you can become a good student.There
are ways you can be good in behavior,homework and many other things.I am only going to talk about behavior and homework.I think these are the most important things you will need to become a good
Lets start off with behavior.Let me tell you this.Be good at school.Otherwise you can get different
consequences.For example, you can detention, a.l.c, after school clean up and so many other things.
If you get detention you can stay there like for thirty minutes or even an hour.If you get a.l.c, kids
are going to laugh about you. and its not the best lunch.Trust me,I have been there because of a
dumb mistake I did in the past.And after school clean up.Not only do you have to stay there after
school,but you have to scrape some old gum off the floor!
Now,I am going to talk about homework.This is a very important topic.If you don't do your
homework, you can get changed from classes,homework central,or you can get a bad grade.
Change of classes,you can get changed to a different class because you're teacher will see that
you are not doing you're homework or any work. Also if you don't do you're homework you can
get homework central.This is a place that you stay after school and do you're work for an hour.
And also if you don't do you're homework and you don't do any work,you can get a bad grade.And
I know no one wants an F on their grade.
As you can see these are the things you want to do.So you can improve you're grades or to improve you're behavior.
are ways you can be good in behavior,homework and many other things.I am only going to talk about behavior and homework.I think these are the most important things you will need to become a good
Lets start off with behavior.Let me tell you this.Be good at school.Otherwise you can get different
consequences.For example, you can detention, a.l.c, after school clean up and so many other things.
If you get detention you can stay there like for thirty minutes or even an hour.If you get a.l.c, kids
are going to laugh about you. and its not the best lunch.Trust me,I have been there because of a
dumb mistake I did in the past.And after school clean up.Not only do you have to stay there after
school,but you have to scrape some old gum off the floor!
Now,I am going to talk about homework.This is a very important topic.If you don't do your
homework, you can get changed from classes,homework central,or you can get a bad grade.
Change of classes,you can get changed to a different class because you're teacher will see that
you are not doing you're homework or any work. Also if you don't do you're homework you can
get homework central.This is a place that you stay after school and do you're work for an hour.
And also if you don't do you're homework and you don't do any work,you can get a bad grade.And
I know no one wants an F on their grade.
As you can see these are the things you want to do.So you can improve you're grades or to improve you're behavior.
Watch What?
I am a huge fan of watching t.v. These t.v. shows that are listed below are shows that I personaly like to watch at home. There are other popular t.v. shows that you can watch. Many are listed at I will only be listing the top 5 shows that I watch.
Top 5 T.V. Shows
1. Pretty Little Liars
-a very confusing mystery
-a crime investigation show
3.Grey's Anatomy
-family drama
4.7th Heaven
-an old classic
5.Full House
-a loving family show
Those are all the shows that i watch mostely everyday. They are all very different.They are all very fun to watch.
Top 5 T.V. Shows
1. Pretty Little Liars
-a very confusing mystery
-a crime investigation show
3.Grey's Anatomy
-family drama
4.7th Heaven
-an old classic
5.Full House
-a loving family show
Those are all the shows that i watch mostely everyday. They are all very different.They are all very fun to watch.
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