Animal testing. I think, that is bad and should not be done. I read ''Why America Should Ban Animal Testing'', and I got surprised that it said that people intentionally damaged the eyes of rabbits to serve as a model for ''dry eye'' conditions.And also a beagle who were then purposefully infected with a mold in order to test on new human drugs on them. Just that right there wants to make me say some words that I can say or type. And this actually surprises me that humans can be so cruel and hurt full to animals like that.
The author of the book puts facts that this is expensive. Like a loss of an animals life is already PRICELESS! The author also uses examples like the two I typed on the first paragraph. And the author also uses emotional appeal. For example the author says that animals do feel pain and they do suffer. And these are some evidence that the author uses in the text.
I got convinced when the author talks about that instead using animals, they can use computer modeling. And that would be nice if did use that than instead of the use of LIVE, LIVING creatures. And if you do read '' Why America Should Ban Animal Testing'', everything is well said and I really didn't have any questions because I agree with the author. And I do think that animal testing should be BANNED!
Kevin, I totally agree with your post about animal testing! Poor rabbit. Sure they need to hurt an innocent rabbit's eyes just for an example of, "Dry Eye". STOP THE ANIMAL TESTING!!