Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Rich and poor

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So as many of you know there is a huge gap between the rich and the poor.I recently read and article about it and I totally agree agree with the man Bob Shillman.This man said if your are poor then why do you have a phone because if you really were poor then you wouldn't have anything at all.I mean just because you don't have what others have you don't have to classify yourselves as poor.Leave it to the people who are really poor. The kind of people who are poor are the ones who are out on the streets begging for anything people can offer to them.

I think this happens because people let themselves believe there poor. If you see someone that has something  then you don't you think the must have more because of what they have. Just because they have more things than anyone it doesn't make them better than everyone.Not everyone has to be the same as everyone because then we wouldn't have problems and without problems the world would be probably boring.

I don't this gap between the rich and the poor can be fixed because to many think there better than others. so unless people change which can happen there will always be a gap between the rich and poor.

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