Wednesday, April 17, 2013

It wouldn't hurt, Richies. I:I

Where I live, sometimes I see hobos and homeless people walk around with backpacks, or roll around with baskets, or just sit somewhere giving people the puppy-eyed look and begging for a piece of food. And hey have no jobs either. I don't know alot or maybe any rich people, but rich people probably have TONS of jobs and so much money that most richies just throw it out and buy  expensive things they don't really want. AND, most richies are jerkfaces and don't even think about anyone but themselves and think that they have money that could last them their whole life. This is sad. Having a HUMONGUS gap between the rich and the poor.
                Economy is bad and budget cuts are filling the atmosphere. People getting released and fired from their jobs, not enough money to pay the bills, more homeless people, and the richies becoming homeless due to careless spending and misuse of money. Ans neither richies, or companies will not help. I strongly disagree with this whole thing. Yeah there can be richies, but check this: you guys are not helping anyone with jobs, nor homeless people. We, citizens need to help, or else we will see things like in the early 60's-80's. Richies, it would't hurt if you can donate some money to hungry kids, homeless families, and taking a stand to make more jobs wanted and bulit. That money can't stay with you FOREVER. Help bridge the gap between you and the poor cause you are nothing different with your cribs and fancy-shmancy '50' inch flat screen tv's. The U.S. is supposed to be one nation for everyone, cause we are all equal.

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