Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Love symbol


Chocolate is the best symbol for love in my opinion. It's the best symbol because if you give to your girlfriend/boyfriend or someone you like the chocolate will last them for a while not like flowers because they die easily. If you give them flowers the person probably wont take care of it and when they smell that they gone bad they just throw it away. So you buying the flowers will be just wasting you money. But if you get them chocolate they could eat it whenever they want a snack or something then if they have some left they could put it away for some other day because chocolate last more than flowers. Another reason why chocolate is the best symbol for love is because chocolate makes you feel happy and when your in love your always happy and you smile. Chocolate is the  perfect symbol because they can last more than many other symbols for love. For example, wedding rings because rings can be easily lost or can be taken away from you if the person who gave it to you breaks up with you and leaves you.

In conclusion, there might be others symbols for love, flowers, and rings ext. But chocolate is definitely the best symbol for love because it makes you happy and you don't waste your money on something that will be thrown away.