Tuesday, October 2, 2012

How To Be A Good Student

  How do you become a good student?There are many ways you can become a good student.There
are ways you can be good in behavior,homework and many other things.I am only going to talk about behavior and homework.I think these are the most important things you will need to become a good
  Lets start off with behavior.Let me tell you this.Be good at school.Otherwise you can get different
consequences.For example, you can detention, a.l.c, after school clean up and so many other things.
If you get detention you can stay there like for thirty minutes or even an hour.If you get a.l.c, kids
are going to laugh about you. and its not the best lunch.Trust me,I have been there because of a
dumb mistake I did in the past.And after school clean up.Not only do you have to stay there after
school,but you have to scrape some old gum off the floor!
  Now,I am going to talk about homework.This is a very important topic.If you don't do your
homework, you can get changed from classes,homework central,or you can get a bad grade.
Change of classes,you can get changed to a different class because you're teacher will see that
you are not doing you're homework or any work. Also if you don't do you're homework you can
get homework central.This is a place that you stay after school and do you're work for an hour.
And also if you don't do you're homework and you don't do any work,you can get a bad grade.And
I know no one wants an F on their grade.
  As you can see these are the things you want to do.So you can improve you're grades or to improve you're behavior.


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