Sunday, October 21, 2012

Do You Know Where This Book Is?

There is many books that has been banded throughout the years. I think some stories should be banded an some are fine. There is also many book that are being challenged to. There has been so many schools that has already removed many books from there library's.Here is some books that have been banded from some schools.Some books should be banded but some books are good books for kids to read. A lot of people talk about the books they use to read when they were in school but now, there is so many different books and some of the books got banded.I have read some of the banded books and I don't understand how they can be banded .Some of them are really good books and teach things that students learn today in school.In many schools the students had to read some banded books.So I think if the school wants the whole class to read it, it should be fine to be in school library's so the students can read them.Many students like to read many different types of books to so they might want to read a book that has been banded but not know it has been because, they thought it was a school appropriate book for school.This is What i think of some books that have been banded from many schools all over.

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