Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Black Friday and the sales and facts about it

Ah Black Friday. The week or weekend or day when half the population of California rush ravagely[sp.] and viciously into stores and malls and rip heads off and shove others just to get an item[s] for a GIANT price off. You probably want to know what Black Friday is, why they have huge ridiculously large sales, how it all started, and what Black Friday's "Black" is. Well, I don't know alot about it but I'll try my hardest to explain it to you, with the help I found from this article about it. So, first question: What is Black Friday? Well Black Friday is basically the day where they have HUGE sales for the most known 2 favorite holidays Thanksgiving and Christmas. Why they have these sales is because, well, think of a sweep. EVERYTHING MUST GO. Or, think of a store, with tons of items that are not being sold, so they make their own Black Friday and put REALLY low sales on it and BAM!!! People start rolling in and taking they're stuff! Just like a sweep. Now how it all started and what the "Black" means, you have to check out my article. But that is all what Black Friday is though.

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