Wednesday, November 7, 2012

P.E. is Good Man!!!

Photo Credit.
Alot of kids say that P.E. sucks and it's boring. Those are fat, lazy people and THEY suck! P.E. is Good man!! It keeps you in shape, it is energizing, and most of all, it's FUN!! P.E. is good for alot of things. First, Excercise. That is the main reason why kids should have P.E. . It keeps you in shape, it is healthy for your body, and it will give you strength, endurance, and energy and stamina! [ You fat kids better be listening to this! ]
        Another reason why, is the sports! P.E. can't be P.E. without sports. There are Tons and thousands of sports that you can choose from. Fastball, Football, Dodgeball, soccer,basketball, kickball, track/running [ my absouleute favorite, ] Etc. ! Even body building! No matter which one you do, it's fun as long as you know the rules and your ready. Those also help you and your body! [ You fatties taking notes? ]
         The last reason why P.E. should be allowed, is because of the communication! Alot of sports takes teamwork, stradegy, sportsmanship, and help! P.E. activities with partnership helps you communicate with your peers and also helps you get to know that person. It takes good partner and sportsmanship to make plans and stradegy. [ Hope you fat and lazy kids got this info! ] P.E. is really good for everyone. To me, the only thing that I hate about P.E. is going to the Gym and doing nothing, and Hot weather. Everybody else hates P.E. period. I don't get you lazy fat kids. And some alot of other kids say it's the teachers. They're only trying to help you guys. YOU'RE the ones giving them a hard time! 

1 comment:

  1. You may be right that it is "lazy" kids giving the teachers a hard time, but you do make several assumptions that can hurt your case. I agree that PE is awesome, but assuming that anyone who doesn't like PE is automatically fat and lazy assumes too much.
